Videos of the talks and tutorials can be found here.
Tutorials can be run via (only requires a modern web browser – must support web sockets; any recent version of Firefox or Google Chrome will do; Safari is not guaranteed to work). Login details will be provided during the tutorial.
[microstate script] [microstate slides]
Requires installing Matlab, Automagic, Microstate EEGlab toolbox.
The tutorial will be provided as IPython notebook. It can be run locally (which requires installing IPython and Nilearn - I recommend doing this via the anaconda distribution) or simpler and without installing anything in your browser.
Requires Docker (free and without registration).
The notebooks for this tutorial are from the Nipype Tutorial. You can check out all the notebooks online on this homepage, if you don’t want to download and run the whole docker image yourself.
[slides] [instructions] [solutions]
Requires Matlab
A list of video content from other Brainhack Global sites can be found here.